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Q&A with John Peers and Jamie Murray

After claiming three ATP titles in 2013, dynamic doubles duo Jamie Murray and John Peers have joined forces once again searching for more success in 2014 and perhaps a time machine.
1 January 2014, by

After claiming three ATP titles in 2013, dynamic doubles duo Jamie Murray and John Peers have joined forces once again searching for more success in 2014 and perhaps a time machine.

What were the highlights of your off-season?

JAMIE MURRAY: It was nice not to have to pack and unpack a bag for an extended period at time. It was nice just to be at home.

JOHN PEERS: Mine was definitely getting on the golf course. I got out a few times at Sorrento (in Victoria), which was good.

What’s on your iTunes?

JAMIE MURRAY: I’ve been listening to that Counting Stars song, by One Republic.

JOHN PEERS: I don’t have iTunes at the moment.

JAMIE MURRAY: (laughs) He listens to Down Under (by Men at Work).

What was the last movie that you watched?

JAMIE MURRAY: I watched Rush and Runner, Runner on the plane.


Do you have any superstitions?

JAMIE MURRAY: Sometimes. I like taking the same shower each day in the locker room. I use the same toilet.

JOHN PEERS: I occasionally won’t step on the lines on the court.

If you could borrow a shot from another player, what would it be?

JAMIE MURRAY: It would be Milos Raonic’s serve for the next eight years of my career!

JOHN PEERS: Rafa’s returns.

If you could have a superpower what would it be?

JAMIE MURRAY: Um, I can’t answer that one actually.

JOHN PEERS: Probably travel. Time travel so then I don’t have to wait on planes anymore.

Apart from racquets, what’s in your tennis bag?

JAMIE MURRAY: I’ve got all sorts of things (but mainly) fitnessy gadgets, sweaty clothes.

JOHN PEERS: Nothing exciting but I think I’ve got a few golf tees lying around the bottom of my bag.

If you could trade places with a player for one day, who would that be?

JAMIE MURRAY: Roger Federer actually. I think he probably has the most to do. He’s the most in demand, he has to go through a lot of stuff off the court, rather than just on it, so it would be interesting to see what his life is like.

JOHN PEERS: Probably (Novak) Djokovic, just to see the way things work for him.

What are your goals for 2014?

JAMIE MURRAY: Just win. Win as much as we can (laughs).

JOHN PEERS: Just win as many matches as we can and probably play the end-of-year Championships.