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Hewitt fit and firing for new-year showdown

1 January 2013, by Brisbane International Tennis

At 31 years old, firsts don’t come around too often for Lleyton Hewitt, and his long-awaited debut at the Brisbane International seems to be one of the few things the Australian champion has locked in for his 16th year on the professional tour.

The current No.81 spoke frankly about his upcoming season, saying he wasn’t sure what would unfold in 2013 or what has kept him so motivated, but one certainty is the dogged patriot is ready as ever to compete this Australian summer, and feeling just as fit.

“I love competing and you retire for a long time I guess as well,” Hewitt responded when faced with the seemingly endless question of his motivation.

“There’s been four or five months at a time where I’ve had surgeries and had to recover. Just mentally I’ve been able to be a lot fresher and not burn out as much.”

A bout of injuries has had a silver-lining for the former world No.1, ensuring that now his desire for competition is matched with a fully fit body to support it, declaring himself the fittest he’s been in years.

“I feel like I’ve had a really good off season this year on the practice court and also in the gym doing off-court work,” he said.

“It’s been a few years [since I felt this good].”

As for the rest of 2013, Hewitt isn’t sure what he has planned after the Australian Open, but the competitive battler is still backing his body at its best over five sets, along with an obliging draw at the Slams.

“The Australian Open and Wimbledon are my two main priorities where I want to play my best tennis and I think I’ve got my chance of playing my best tennis over five sets at those two majors—with a little bit of luck with the draw as well,” he said,

“But right at the moment I haven’t thought too much past Melbourne and doing everything right for there.”

Hewitt will test out his form in his Brisbane debut against fellow senior on tour Radek Stepanek tonight, and despite recently losing to the Czech for the first time at the Shanghai Masters, Hewitt remained confident he can get the better of the 2009 Brisbane champion.

“He’s a tough competitor; he gives 100 per cent every time he’s on court and he’s got an awkward game-style to a lot of other guys out there. But I probably wasn’t 100 per cent in Shanghai, so we’ll see if tomorrow night will be different,” he said.

Hewitt will take on Stepanek during the night session at Pat Rafter Arena on Tuesday, indulging in one of his few remaining tournament debuts.

“There’s not too many, so it’s obviously nice … It’s a great arena and it’s going to be nice to play there.”

Visit Ticketek for tickets to see Hewitt in action tonight.